AFA's mission is to help our customers understand and protect themselves from risk.
Our product oversight and governance arrangements are designed to bring products and propositions to market that:
Before selling or distributing a product, AFA develops its products and propositions:
In addition to assessing our products and propositions as suitable for sale and distribution on their introduction, we monitor and review our products and propositions on an ongoing basis to check that they remain appropriate for our customers' objectives, financial situation and needs.
Where necessary, AFA modifies or withdraws a product or proposition if it does not meet our criteria.
As an issuer of financial products, AFA complies with the Design and Distribution Obligations (ODO) regime, which came into force on 5 October 2021.
The regime imposes a range of obligations, including creating a Target Market Determination (TMD), which is a written document identifying the target market that the financial product is suitable for.
TMDs are either available on this website, or you may ask for a copy and make any other enquiries by contacting AFA Insurance by email to by telephone on 1300 728 997 or in writing at PO Box 463, North Sydney NSW 2059.
TMDs are made available to your broker or the distributor, so you may also contact your broker or the distributor for the TMD that applies to you.
Under the ODO regime, distributors of financial products must take reasonable steps that will, or are reasonably likely to, result in the distribution of a financial product being consistent with the TMD for that product. This includes obligations to report certain information to issuers, such as for complaints and breaches of product related distribution condtions.
This reporting is due quarterly and can be submitted by completing this form and emailing
Any significant dealing that is not consistent with a TMD should be reported to AFA within 10 business days, by completing the "Significant Dealings" tab of this form and emailing it to
If you have any other questions or issues, please contact AFA Insurance at